

HOLLAND, mi This family is so close to my heart. This is my surrogate family. I have spent countless nights over at their house and had more embarrassing moments with them than I'd like to admit...Isaac is my little brother through and through and Alysse has been my best friend since we were two. Little babies! Their parents have acted as an extra set of parents to me when I needed it and I hope someday that my marriage in some way reflects theirs. This past summer, Kim contacted me about taking family pictures and we had a blast goofing around.
They're so attractive! I really do get to shoot the most attractive people.

This is a personal fave.

You are gorgeous!!

Ohhhh Isaac, I've said it before and I'll say it again, we're going to lock you up and never let you out. Stop it!


I love capturing laughter, it motivates me like no other!

Thanks for letting me capture your beautiful family!


josh [senior]

Holland, Mi I've known Josh since he was maybe 3 years old, I can't really remember the first time we met but I know it was LONG time ago. He is a senior this year (which makes me feel SO old!!). Josh has been like my little brother growing up, I love him to death, I even had him come down to my university's "siblings weekend" and pretend to be my brother (I know...so cute!). Anyways, I brought him to downtown Holland and we staked out a junk yard with train tracks that ended up looking awesome!

You're so attractive!!!

Thanks Josh for an awesome shoot!



This past fall I had the wonderful opportunity to take pictures of some family friends and their precious puppy! Sasha, their new dog, doesn't handle car rides well so they ended up giving her something to relax her so she was a little sleepy on the ride over, which I find hilarious! We went out to a park in Grand Rapids and explored the beautiful fall weather. At one point I literally caught a picture of a leaf falling, I felt so proud.

These ducks were so cute!

They're so precious!

Artistic dog shot=complete!

Thanks for being troopers and going along with my wacky ideas!

A night out

Last night Sunshine and I went downtown Pint n Slice in Fort Wayne to see James and the Drifters and they were AMAZING! It was super crowded in there but it was a blast to be with friends :) After the show, we walked around a bit and took night pictures of Fort Wayne.

I love my little freshmen :)

Kelly and Hannah! I love these girls

I just realized editing this that it looks like "Pit" n Slice but I swear it's Pint! The pizza there is delish!

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