
my amazing boyfriend

I've been saving up this one for a while, but it's time now :) A year ago today a wonderful man asked me to be his. I was so nervous to finally have a boyfriend but he is so amazing and caring and wonderful. We love goofing off with each other so much it's ridiculous. I've been so blessed to have him as my best friend and I fall harder and harder for him everyday we spend together.

Daniel- I cannot wait for the many years ahead of us, I'm so proud of you! I like you so much! always yours, Caroline

Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be. ~ Robert Browning


Baby Gideon [sneak peak]

HOLLAND, mi. My cousin Sarah and her husband Nate had a baby in December. They came up to be with the family a couple weeks ago and I was able to get a few snapshots of Gideon. He's so cute! They're coming up in a couple weeks to get family pictures done and I can't wait!

*the pictures are slightly pixelly because I had to upload from my computer..sorry!

Check back in a few weeks for their family pictures!



This blog post is dedicated to design work! Over the past couple of years, I've been asked to design certain things for different organizations. I'm a junior graphic design student at Huntington University and I have had some wonderful opportunities to expand my skills. Here are just a few things I've done:
These are headers I've designed for blogs, the bottom one is my boyfriend's! Go visit here (...I know you're dying to know if I took that picture...Yes, I did!)

Campus Life Spring break shirts 2011

Huntington University's mock Olympics tshirts.

I love Hardy Hall. Best dorm ever.

Joe Mertz Center is our center for volunteer service on campus. This design was for their awards ceremony.

I designed this shirt for my boyfriend's birthday, his nickname is Sunshine since he's from California.

Norm, the forester, is our school mascot. This was for a bike race in the fall.

Just a cute little bakery logo

Our powderpuff team this year was the Kamikazes (the backs said "sorry about all the gravity" from House Bunny..HAAAA).

Our Hardy tshirts this year, our building had a slight bed bug incident...but it is all under control.

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