
Us [a love story]

Let me start out by saying that I have fallen madly in love with the most wonderful man on the planet (no, I don't care that I haven't met every man on the planet..it's still true). I'm in love! Daniel spent the last three weeks of summer with me, we did fun little romantic things like: (BEWARE, ROMANTIC, MUSHY FEELINGS BELOW. PROCEED AT OWN RISK)

.....going to the beach:

Even close up, we are quite attractive people.

....going on a picnic!

Side note, Brie and bread is my new favorite snack, it makes me feel super classy whilst eating it.

Ohhhh I just love him :)

And I love this look he gives me, my heart melts a little....

First try, not so hot


and getting engaged!


First off, Daniel had told me he wasn't going to propose until after we were at school, but the minute he got that ring in his hands he knew he couldn't hold onto it long. He had been planning to propose the day after we got back from family vacation but I got sick. Not just your average run of the mill head cold either, I was miserable for about a week...ugh. Then he planned to do it when I was better, but our good friends beat us to it and he didn't want to steal their thunder. He had this whole plan where we would go to the beach, have a picnic and he would propose after (as you can tell, he managed to sneak them into our time together beforehand).

He finally decided to do it Saturday, August 20th and it rained ALL DAY. It couldn't deter him though, he was not going to wait a day longer to get that ring on my finger. Of course I was still oblivious, so after breakfast with my family that day we headed back to my house and we swung on the porch while listening to the thunder. I decided to take a nap afterwards that ended up lasting about 3 hours. When I got up, Daniel suddenly announced he wanted to take me out, simply because, "We haven't gone out in a while." I wasn't really in the mood to go, but I said yes. He chose this fancy shmancy restaurant in downtown Holland and the alarms started going off. I was afraid to hope that he would propose and I didn't want to look disappointed if it didn't happen, so the whole night I tried to convince myself that it wasn't happening. Daniel did a very good job of being so nonchalant, he didn't seem nervous at all! All through dinner I was so nervous, though nothing happened. After dinner, Daniel suggested going back to the house to cuddle and put in a movie, but I wanted to stay out and enjoy being dated. We walked around and got ice cream and I specifically remember thinking, "Okay, it didn't happen tonight but I'm still in love and loving being out with him."

After ice cream we headed home and my best friend, Alysse's car was there (not odd since our families are very close). I was about to sit down to a game of cards when Daniel pulled me from my seat and instructed me to go upstairs for five minutes. Alysse came with me and we talked about everything EXCEPT proposals because I was still too nervous to hope! My mom came up minutes later and told me Daniel wanted a word with me downstairs on our front porch. I RACED down the stairs and flung the door open and squealed. He had taken mason jars (my favorite) and lined the porch with lit candles inside of them. Every jar had a ribbon tied to it and every other jar had a notecard tied to it, each with one reason why he likes/loves me (he's been giving these to me throughout the last year so I've accumulated more than 70 at this point...romantic sigh...) Since I couldn't move from my spot on the porch, he grabbed this little black box and strolled towards me. When he reached me he said, "I know you have been waiting for this for a long time; I want you to know that I love you (this is the first time we had said 'I love you'...) and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I managed to squeak out, "I, I love you too!!! That's so weird to say!!" He got down on one knee and opened the box, revealing the most beautiful ring I've ever seen and said, "Will you be my wife?" Lets just say there was a lot of squealing and screaming after I said yes :)

On May 20th, 2012, exactly 8 months from the day he proposed, I will marry the man of my dreams and begin a whole new journey of my life. Daniel, I love you and I cannot wait to be your wife. - Caroline

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