

Meet Carly, the sassiest-best-sister-in-law a girl could ask for!

Carly wanted a more rustic approach for her session so we went out to Mentryville (thanks to all who suggested it!) and even though the actual barn part was closed due to construction (DANGIT) we made due with what we had and found some great textures to shoot with.

Carly you are a B-A-B-E BABE, thanks for putting up with the awkwardness of being in front of the camera! I'm really proud of the images we got!

Starting things off with my FAVORITE! I love my job.

This maybe ties for second favorite, it's a pretty close call.

Are you kidding me with those eyes? WOWZA

One thing Carly is obsessed with loves is the band Hot Chelle Rae. Before she knew who they were, I sent Carly one of their songs on a whim because I thought she'd like it. Little did I know the pandaemonium that would ensue.

I get this look a lot

A HUGE shoutout to my main man/assistant/hottie Daniel for assisting with swatting flies and handing me lenses. I LOVE YOU.


josh + amy + ?

Confession: I've never shot maternity photos, yes, ever.

Meet Amy and Josh, two of our newest friends here on the West Coast! They have been so gracious and welcoming to us, they are always inviting us to fun things. I'm always wishing we could reciprocate, but usually we're so lame we rarely leave the house (that is pathetic, I know..don't judge!)

A couple of weeks ago I messaged Amy, asking if she'd be up to a photo shoot. I wanted the practice of shooting maternity photos and needed a guinea pig to try it out on. Amy messaged back, excited about the idea and informed me that the anniversary of when Josh proposed was coming up and they'd love to do an updated photo session on location. Josh proposed at the Griffith Observatory, surprising Amy by having their closest friends hold up signs saying, "Amy will you marry Josh?" Forever began that day.

When the day finally came for the shoot, I had no idea what I was in for. I'd never been to Griffith Park and naively expected a beautiful uninhabited park where I could roam free, taking pictures at whim while the sun set gloriously behind us. Boy was I in for a suprise! We ran a little late due to scheduling and by the time we got to the park, I had maybe 15 minutes of light. 15. Adding to my stress levels, the place was PACKED. Like, IHOP-on-free-pancake-day packed. I was feeling the pressure, I didn't want to screw up their anniversary and I SO wanted to make a good impression with my photographs. I took a deep breath and went into lockdown-photographer mode, ignoring that there were a hundred people around me, watching me, in my shot, and tried my best to focus on the love that was in front of me - the reason for the day.

Amy and Josh, your love is beautiful and I cannot wait to see your little one! I'm extremely proud of the images we got in those 10 minutes and hope you enjoy them too.

At the spot where Josh proposed! Presh
FAVORITE! You two are beautiful. Every kid should have a photo of their parents like this.

Dear Baby Marmol, your parents are the bomb.

Thanks guys for taking a chance on a stressed out photographer! May God continue to bless you both as you prepare for this beautiful blessing. Looking forward to a raincheck shoot with much more time and light! :)

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