
my little chickadees

[HUNTINGTON, in] God is sooooo good! He has blessed me in so many ways, one of which is my floor this year. I'm an RA and I have 9 freshmen girls living with me on a tiny little wing in the basement of our building. I was so nervous coming into this year, what would the girls be like? Would they like me? Am I cut out for this? What do I, as a junior, have to offer freshmen? I could not have been put with a better group of girls. They are kind and generous and loving and so fun to be with! Overall, we have had an amazing year together growing, learning and laughing. I could go on and on but I just love them to death! Anyways, I say this all the time, and they may resent me for it, but they're my babies. I never thought that being an RA would bring out the mother in me but I just want to take care of them! My nest is empty without them (I'm super sappy, I know...). I honestly feel like I've had a taste of parenting this year and I have all the more respect for parents because of it. At the beginning of the year we went out and had a mini photo shoot with the girls, which was a blast! Shout out to my CMC Abby and her roommate Jess, I don't know where they were that day....We still love you!
Ohhhh aren't they just the most precious group???

Awkward ginger kid....

Kelsie and Essie (or Elsie and Kessie..) you bring joy to my life :)

Recognize her? Jess helped me with a shoot earlier this semester. Jess, you are so beautiful!

Abby and Becky, two of the goofiest girls! I'm constantly laughing when we're together :)

Oh Kelly and Anna, I love you to death, you are so cute! My floor is BABES this year in case you couldn't tell.

This is SO them.

HF% is my gangsta child ;)

Cella dwellas, you have brought me so much joy over the past 7 months. You've brought me to tears both with your hilarious antics and your genuinely beautiful hearts. I thank God every day for your presence in my life. Muah! Love, Cave Mama


These are the little things that make my day. When it is cold and snowy and I'm dreading walking anywhere, I see this little sprout of green coming out of the ground and I get so excited! I miss the sun and the sand between my toes. It's coming so soon!

Look at all that green! It just keeps going!

Hold onto your rain boots, folks! It'll be hot and muggy before you know it :)



HOLLAND, mi. It's hard keeping up with friends at home while being at school, I'll be the first to admit that. So when Olivia and I expressed a mutual missing of each other I knew we had to figure out a creative way to fix it quick! Our spring breaks just overlapped enough that we had one saturday free. It was cold and very windy out so we didn't want to stay out in the elements for too long. Luckily the public library here is absolutely amazing, so we ventured on over and had a blast making a mess in the aisles. And yes, in case you were wondering, those fluorescent lights were FANTASTIC to edit. Not. Overall I'm really proud of what we got and we had a good laugh from all of the awkward stares we were given.

Yes, Death by Pantyhose is a real book!

Did I mention that Olivia LOVES the color orange? She rocked this awesome new coat.

You're so cute!

These book titles were just crackin me up!

We headed over to the parking garage downtown to get some natural light in, finally!

Favorite! I don't care what you say, I love your laugh.

Ow ow!

Thanks for hanging out with Daniel and I for a little bit and for giving me something to do over break! We had fun :)


chai [is love]

This is just a shout out to 4cups coffee at the 509. I love it here, it is so relaxing to come and sit, edit, read, have a laugh. I am absolutely addicted to the caramel chais and on a day like today when the stress of job situations and car troubles plague my mind this is exactly what I needed to breathe again.

Thanks for feeling like home.


HUNTINGTON, in. Jess is a freshman on my floor this year and I absolutely love her to death. She has an amazing ability to love on people and put them at ease. I was trying out my new 50mm 1.8 lens and I needed a subject so I persuaded her to pose for me. She is so beautiful! I'm so grateful she let me take these. Jess, thanks for letting me boss you around just for a little while ;)

See??? I told you this girl is a BABE!

Sheesh oh peetz you have the most beautiful eyes

Isn't this camera awesome? I found it in my grandparents old stuff! I might just start a collection...

Thanks for being a guinea pig, Jess! The photos look awesome if i do say so myself :)

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