
rosa+kelly [duo]

HUNTINGTON, in. Rosa and Kelly bring so much joy into my life. First off, they're BABES so I was super excited to go on a photo shoot with them! I knew we would end up with some great shots and we did! It was freezing cold and slightly snowing but they were troopers to stick it out. There was a lot of laughter during this session, I was literally giggling the whole time :)

Rosa! You're so beautiful! Look at those eyes! Get it girl.

Classic senior shot ;)

Kelly, you have the most amazing eyes!

One of my faves!


Rosa, could you be any cuter!?

Thanks girls for brightening up my day with these shots, editing is therapy for me :)


Tianna's Baby Animal Blog March 2, 2011 at 8:36 AM  

These are so cute!!!!!!!!!! Caroline, you are amazing!

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