

HOLLAND, mi. It's hard keeping up with friends at home while being at school, I'll be the first to admit that. So when Olivia and I expressed a mutual missing of each other I knew we had to figure out a creative way to fix it quick! Our spring breaks just overlapped enough that we had one saturday free. It was cold and very windy out so we didn't want to stay out in the elements for too long. Luckily the public library here is absolutely amazing, so we ventured on over and had a blast making a mess in the aisles. And yes, in case you were wondering, those fluorescent lights were FANTASTIC to edit. Not. Overall I'm really proud of what we got and we had a good laugh from all of the awkward stares we were given.

Yes, Death by Pantyhose is a real book!

Did I mention that Olivia LOVES the color orange? She rocked this awesome new coat.

You're so cute!

These book titles were just crackin me up!

We headed over to the parking garage downtown to get some natural light in, finally!

Favorite! I don't care what you say, I love your laugh.

Ow ow!

Thanks for hanging out with Daniel and I for a little bit and for giving me something to do over break! We had fun :)


Unknown March 17, 2011 at 6:31 PM  

Hard to beat the talent and the subject in these. Beautiful! So fun Carolina! Love you, loved having you..

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