

HUNTINGTON, in Meet Adam and Ashlyn! Adam had asked me to take engagement pictures a while back but the winter weather was so gross that we were waiting for some nice spring weather. The weather was threatening storms but we fought it off and got it done just in time! Adam is one of the funniest people I know, I don't know how Ashlyn handles it! I had to get bossy at the end because he kept making so many funny faces! Daniel came along to help me with the shoot and it ended up being a blast! We're hoping he can help me out with future shoots.

See? I didn't even have to try to be funny! Adam did it all for me.

I couldn't resist a ring shot, look at it! It's beautiful!

Ooohhh this is so cute!
Photo by Daniel
I just love the colors in this one...


Photo by Daniel
This is maybe also a favorite...
Photo by Daniel

Adam and Ashlyn, thanks for letting Daniel and I follow you around for a morning. May God bless your marriage and congrats!


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