

Meet Kristin! I met Kristin earlier in the year when I traveled to her home in Martin, MI as on-set photographer for Daniel's film Encased (check it out if you haven't!) I instantly fell in love with their beautiful farm and their down to earth family style. Carol, Kristin's mother, is so sweet. When she called me up to see if I would take Kristin's senior pictures I was in! We had a fabulous day at a local blueberry field and ended up with some beautiful images. I really feel like I'm learning more and more with every shoot and growing into myself.

Isn't she beautiful!?

Natural laughter is what I live for :)


Daniel's favorite :)

Kristin, you have the most beautiful smile!

This might also be a favorite...I'm totally allowed to have more than one..

Yummy summer light

Kristen will be attending Bryan College in Tennessee this fall. Best of luck to you, Kristin. College is amazing!


Alysse Perez,  July 22, 2011 at 8:02 PM  

These pictures are beautiful!!! Pluenes? Love it! And Bryan College!!! So exciting!

Anonymous,  July 22, 2011 at 10:36 PM  

Caroline, you are truly talented.

Caroline Nicole July 25, 2011 at 9:19 PM  

Thanks guys! I miss shooting on a regular basis..

Yes, Alysse, it was Pleune's :)

And thanks, AmyJo?

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