
I Remain


A couple of weeks ago, a good friend Ben approached Daniel about filming a music video for one of his projects. The music video was for another good friend of ours, Alli. I met Alli two years ago, we lived together my sophomore year of college. She left last year to pursue music while traveling across Europe with YWAM (awesomeness). In addition to being an exceptionally talented musician, she also is a very talented photographer! It was Alli who first inspired me to pick up a camera. I had always loved photography but had never tried my hand at it. Alli is a beautiful woman of God who constantly inspires me to love deeply and find the beauty in being truly real with people.

The other man photographed here is Anthony! Anthony is a very talented musician as well and provided guitar for the piece. Together, their talent blows my mind and I can honestly say that I am so very proud of these images.

Thank you for being beautiful.


You are stunning.

My babe, doin his thang. P.S this scene looked SO GOOD!

AYKM with this?! Beautiful. Beautiful.

This is close competition for second favorite

Thank you Ben and Alli for letting me take part in this. These are beautiful and I am so proud to be a part of this.

Keep checking Send:Ben for a download of the song as well as the debut of the video!


Anonymous,  November 22, 2011 at 9:06 AM  


Ben Daron November 22, 2011 at 9:21 AM  

Caroline, these are beautiful! Thank you soooo much!

Tone,  November 23, 2011 at 2:04 AM  

Love the pics - they r awesome!!

Love, Allis Norwegian mum, Tone

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