kevin+jennifer+eleanor+tobin+blaise [family]
Kevin and Jennifer contacted me during the summer, they had seen Josh's senior pictures and was interested in doing family pictures. Jenn, like me, loves the fall colors so we decided to wait for the trees to change to take them. In case none of you have been to Michigan in the fall, it is pretty much the most beautiful thing ever. EVER. We waited until fall break from school and Daniel and I met them for long awaited pictures! Those who know me personally know how much I LOVE redheaded boys, I want one so bad someday!! As soon as I saw Toby my heart just melted!! No, I did not steal him, but someday I hope that Daniel and I have ginger kids! ...melt....okay enough of that. I'm so proud of these pictures and I am just further convinced that this is what I want to do the rest of my life.

Look at that beautiful face!! Blaise, you are too cute!!

Baby giggles are THE most precious thing on earth, Blaise could not stop laughing while being thrown in the air.

I'm pretty sure Tobin spent the entire time exploring and finding cool things in the field, what an adventurer.

Someday, I will have a picture of my son exactly like this and we will hang it in our home.

Ohhh just look at those baby blues!

Jennifer, you are beautiful.

See? Melt melt melt...

I cannot even begin to explain how much I love this photo. I love it. Love it. Hang it in your house k? K.

Kevin and Jenn, thank you so much for letting us be a part of your lives, you have a beautiful family!
Thank you so much for such awesome photos! We LOVE them! Everyone seems to love the one of Blaise wearing Kevin's hat. I haven't been able to narrow down a favorite yet...too many!
Thanks Jen! I definitely couldn't pick a favorite either! Your family is so great!
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