
Now it's official [engagement photos]


I have always had a love for photo blogs, its a wonderful way to keep up with photographers and get connected to other photographers. Confession: mayyybeeee I'm a photo blog stalker, but I know many of you are also! Don't deny it! I just like to keep up, that's all. The fact that I can recite to you full family history is of no consequence. There are a handful of photographers that I follow on a regular basis, they inspire me with their work and I always enjoy their posts. (Just to name a few, Bobbi&Mike, Our Life in Balance, and last but certainly not least DAN STEWART. I found Dan a couple years ago, he was using a blog template from NetRivet Prophoto Blogs, a company started by some family friends of ours, small world much? There they have links to many photographers and from there I stumbled upon his site. I immediately fell in love with his use of light and ability to capture beautiful moments, making them look so natural. I envied the couples on these blogs and since have dreamed about one day being featured. Well folks, today is that day!

As soon as Daniel and I were engaged (okay, maybe before...) I knew I wanted a photographer who knew what they were doing. These photos were top priority for me, yes above the dress and the reception decorations (I know I'm a weirdo...). Photography is most important to me because I will keep these images forever, I will hang them in my house and someday my grandchildren will look at them. I want them to see our love, tangibly, with quality photos that are guaranteed to last a lifetime. I think it's so sad that most couples, when getting married, put wedding photography at the lowest priority. GUYS, YOU DESERVE GREAT PHOTOS! (but I digress before this soapbox gets too high)

Here are a couple of my favorites from the session, complete with commentary to let you in on a few Behind the Scenes secrets!

Maybe I fell right after this was taken...clumsy much?

At one point, Dan asked Daniel to whisper in my ear 5 things he saw in our future. Here I am, preparing myself for truly romantic things like "love, beautiful children...etc" but no. He starts whispering ridiculous things like baby cheesus (Modern Family, anyone?) Hence, the laughter.

This photo was totally my idea and it was SO worth it. Someday it will be hanging in my house!


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